

23 Mayıs 2008 – Nejat ÇOĞAL

Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği üyeliğini engellemeyi kendisine vazife addeden Fransa, Anayasasında yapacağı değişikle, AB nüfusunun % 5 inden fazla nüfusa sahip ülkelerin AB üyeliğinin otomatik olarak referanduma sunulmasını zorunlu hale getirerek, bu yolda son hamlesini yapmaya hazırlanmaktadır.

 Bilindiği gibi, kamuoyu baskıları karşısında, Fransa eski Cumhurbaşkanı Jacques Chirac tarafından 2005 yılında Anayayasaya konan ve Hırvatistan’dan sonra AB’ye üye olacak ülkeler için otomatik olarak referandum yapılmasını öngören düzenleme, bu defa, Avrupa kamuoyunun tepkileri üzerine “Türkiye hariç” tutulacak şekilde kaldırılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Öyle ki, Fransız Parlamentosu, şu günlerde tüm mesaisini, yapılacak anayasa değişikliği üzerinde yoğunlaştırmış gibi görünmektedir. Bu kapsamda, bir yandan AB’ye yeni üye olacak ülkeler için referandum zorunluluğu kaldırılmaya çalışılırken, bir yandan da Türkiye’nin bu düzenlemeden nasıl “istisna” edilebileceğine dair çok çarpıcı formüller üretildiğini müşahede etmekteyiz.

Fransa’nın Türkiye’ye karşı geliştirdiği yeni formüle geçmeden evvel, son dönemde yürüttüğü Türkiye aleyhtarı faaliyetlerine, kısaca bir göz atmakta yarar bulunmaktadır.

AB’nin 2007 Aralık Zirvesi sonuç bildirgesinde Türkiye’ye yönelik “katılım” ve “üyelik” ifadelerinin yer almamasını ısrarla isteyen Fransa, bu çabasında başarılı olmuş ve böylece Türkiye’ye karşı ayrımcılığa ve ırkçılığa varacak tavırlarına bir yenisini daha eklemişti.

Çok geçmeden, geçtiğimiz Mart ayında, Türkiye’nin AB üyeliğine bir alternatif olarak düşündüğü Akdeniz Birliği Projesi konusunda Almanya Başbakanı Angela Merkel’i ikna etmeyi başaran Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Nicolas Sarkozy’nin, Türkiye’nin tam üyeliğine mâni olma yolunda bir adım daha ileri gittiğini müşahede etmiştik. Büyük umutlarla hazırlanan AB Anayasasının 2005 yılında yapılan referandumda Fransız seçmeni tarafından reddedilmesi üzerine Avrupalılara büyük bir hayal kırıklığı yaşatan Fransa, bu defa, AB’nin geleceğini şekillendirmesi beklenen ve aynı Anayasanın kısa bir versiyonundan başka bir şey olmayan Lizbon Anlaşması’nı halkoyuna sunmaya gerek görmemiş ve Parlamento onayını yeterli bulmuştur. Avrupa’nın sorunlu üyesi olmamak adına halkının görüşünü dikkate almayan Fransız Yönetiminin, Türkiye söz konusu olduğunda halkoyuna gitmeye çalışmasının, bir yandan kendi halkına olan güvensizliğini, öte yandan ise Türkiye’ye kaşı olan hasmane tutumunu işaret ettiği kanaatindeyiz.

“Avrupalı” olmadığı iddiasıyla,“bütün kriterleri yerine getirse bile, Türkiye’nin AB üyeliğine karşı çıkacağını” açıkça ifade etmekten çekinmeyen Sarkozy’nin, Fransa’nın AB dönem başkanlığına ve özellikle de Fransız Milli Bayramına rast gelen 13–14 Temmuz’da yapılacak “Akdeniz İçin Birlik” Zirvesiyle bu projeyi uygulamaya geçirmeyi planladığını bilmekteyiz. Tabii olarak Türkiye, söz konusu Zirveye katılımı için yapılan davete, henüz resmi bir cevap vermiş değildir.

Gerek Fransa’nın AB işlerinden sorumlu Devlet Bakanı Jean Pierre Jouyet’in Ankara temaslarının ve gerekse İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanı David Miliband’ın, “Akdeniz İçin Birlik, AB’nin Türkiye’yi dâhil edecek şekilde genişleme sürecine kesinlikle bir alternatif değildir” şeklindeki en son beyanatının, Türkiye’nin endişelerini bertaraf etmeye kâfi gelmediği görülmektedir. Elbette, Türkiye’nin Akdeniz İçin Birlik Zirvesine katılıp katılmaması hususu, Fransız ve AB yöneticilerinin Türkiye’nin şüphelerini ortadan kaldıracak somut adımlar atmalarıyla netlik kazanabilecektir. Ancak, Fransa’nın son zamanlarda hız kazanan Türkiye’yi dışlama gayretleri, bu konudaki beklentileri ne yazık ki gölgelemektedir.

Tüm bu gelişmelere rağmen Fransa, son günlerde, Ankara’ya gönderdiği üst düzey yetkililer vasıtasıyla Türkiye ile olan ilişkilerini geliştirme arayışları içine girmiş bulunmaktadır. Bu meyanda, Dışişleri Bakanı Bernard Koucher, Akdeniz İçin Birlik Proje Koordinatörü Alain Leroy, AB işlerinden sorumlu Devlet Bakanı Jean Pierre Jouyet ve Cumhurbaşkanı Nicolas Sarkozy’nin Fransa-Türkiye ilişkileri konusunda özel olarak görevlendirdiği, iktidardaki Halk Hareketi İçin Birlik Partisi(UMP) Milletvekili Pierre Lellouche, Ankara’da bir dizi temaslarda bulunarak, Türk Kamuoyuna ısrarla, Akdeniz Birliği’nin tam üyeliğe alternatif teşkil etmeyeceği ve Temmuz’da başlayacak dönem başkanlıkları sırasında Türkiye ile yeni müzakere başlıklarını açabileceklerine dair mesajlar vermeye çalışmışlardır.

Bu kapsamda, 6 Mayıs 2008 tarihinde Ankara’da yapılan Türkiye-AB Troykası Dışişleri Bakanları Toplantısında Fransız Bakan Jouyet, benzer söylemleri tekrar etmiş, Fransa’nın 1 Temmuz’da başlayacak AB Dönem Başkanlığı’nın objektif ve dengeli olacağı mesajını vermek suretiyle Türkiye’yi gelecek dönem ile ilgili olarak rahatlatmaya çalışmıştır. Ne var ki, bir yandan Ankara’da bu olumlu mesajları verirken, bir yandan da Brüksel’de tam tersi bir istikamette yol almaya çalışan Fransa’nın içine düştüğü bu çelişkili durum, Türk Kamuoyunun dikkatinden kaçmamaktadır.

Keza, Sarkozy’e göre daha ılımlı olduğu iddia edilen Devlet Bakanı Jouyet’in bu sıcak mesajlarının hemen ardından, 14 Mayıs 2008 tarihinde Brüksel’de yapılan ve 27 üye ülke ve 3 aday ülkenin katıldığı Avrupa Birliği Ekonomi ve Maliye Bakanları Konseyi (ECOFIN) toplantısında Fransa, Türkiye-AB arasında yeni bir krize sebebiyet vermekten geri kalmamıştır. Bu defa Fransa, diğer aday ülkeler olan Hırvatistan ve Makedonya için herhangi bir itirazda bulunmazken, Türkiye ile ilgili belgelerden “katılım” (accession) ifadesinin çıkartılmasını ısrarla talep etmiş ve bu isteğinin diğer üye ülkelerce kabul görmesi üzerine, Devlet Bakanı Mehmet Şimşek ortak bildiriye imza atmaktan imtina ederek, “böyle bir belgeyi tanımadığını” açıklamak durumunda kalmıştır. Buna rağmen AB, geri adım atmayarak, Türkiye-AB ortak bildirisi yerine, AB başkanlık bildirisi yayınlama yoluna tevessül etmiştir. Fransa’nın Türkiye’ye yönelik bu haksız tavrı karşısında, Türkiye’yi destekleyen diğer AB üyelerinin gösterdikleri teslimiyetçi anlayışa özellikle dikkat edilmesi gerektiği kanaatindeyiz.

Nihayet Fransa, yapmayı planladığı kapsamlı anayasa değişikliği paketiyle, Türkiye’nin AB üyeliğini engelleyebilecek uygun bir formül bulmuş gibi görünmektedir. Fransız Ulusal Meclisi’nin Hukuk İşleri Komisyonu, Beşinci Cumhuriyet KurumlarındaModernleşme adını verdikleri Anayasa değişikliği tasarısıyla, “AB’nin toplam nüfusunun % 5 inden fazla nüfusa sahip ülkelerin AB üyeliği için referandumun otomatik olarak yapılmasını zorunlu kılacak” tarzda bir düzenleme yapılması konusunda karara varmış bulunmaktadır. Fransız parlamenterler de pekâlâ bilmektedirler ki, Yaklaşık 495 milyon olan AB nüfusunun yüzde beşine tekabül eden 24.7 milyondan daha fazla nüfusa sahip tek aday ülke Türkiye’dir. İktidardaki Halk Hareketi İçin Birlik Partisi(UMP) Milletvekillerinin baskısı neticesinde harcanan yoğun mesailerin ardından keşfedilen bu yeni formül ile Paris, AB’nin genişleme sürecinin, “Türkiye hariç” olmak üzere devam etmesinin önünü açabilmeyi hedeflemektedir. Zira önümüzdeki günlerde Parlamentoda görüşülerek onaylanması beklenen bu anayasa değişikliğiyle, pratikte, diğer aday ülkeler Hırvatistan ve Makedonya için parlamento onayı yeterli olabilecek iken, Türkiye için referanduma gidilmesi zorunlu hale getirilecektir.

Başlangıçta, AB’nin genişleme politikalarına zarar verdiği için, yeni üyeliklerin referanduma sunulması tamamen zorunlu olmaktan çıkarılmak suretiyle, parlamento onayı veya halkoylaması arasında Cumhurbaşkanının tercih yapması usulü benimsenmişti. Ancak, bu düzenlemenin Türkiye’nin önünü açacağı endişesine kapılan UMP Milletvekilleri, vakit geçirmeksizin “yüzde beş” formülünü geliştirmiş oldular. Tabii tüm bu senaryoların, yabancı düşmanlığının tırmanışa geçtiği Fransa’da, halkın yaklaşık %70’inin Türkiye’nin AB üyeliğine karşı olduğu yönündeki kamuoyu yoklamalarına dayandığını da burada belirtmemiz gerekmektedir.

Netice itibariyle, Fransa’nın Türkiye’yi AB Kulübünün dışında bırakma gayretlerinin, ne yazık ki hızlanarak devam ettiğini görmekteyiz. Yaşanan bu gerginlikleri “konjonktürel bir durum” olarak görüp, geçiştirmeye çalışmak ise sorunun çözümüne yardımcı olmayacaktır. Bir yandan Ankara’da olumlu mesajlar verirken, diğer yandan Brüksel’de ve kendi ülkesinde Türkiye’ye karşı hasmane bir tutum sergileyen Fransa, Türk Milleti nazarında güvenirliğini hızla yitirmektedir. Benzer şekilde, AB’nin özellikle Türkiye’yi destekleyen üyelerinin, Fransa’nın Türkiye’ye yönelik bu haksız politikaları karşısında tavizkâr bir tutum sergilemeleri ise esef verici bir durum olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Türkiye ile aynı zamanda başlayan müzakereleri Hırvatistan için 2009 yılında bitirmeyi planlayan Avrupa Birliği’nin,  “ucu açık bir süreç” veya “imtiyazlı ortaklık” gibi belirsiz ifadelerle Türkiye’yi oyalamaya çalışması ise bir diğer çelişki olarak karşımızda durmaktadır.

Eğer Avrupa Ülkeleri, Türkiye’nin 50 yıllık AB macerasını bir 50 yıl daha uzatmak niyetinde iseler, Türkiye’nin AB kapısında daha fazla beklemeye tahammülünün olmadığını ve esasen bunun AB’nin menfaatlerine de hizmet etmeyeceğini hesaplamaları gerekecektir. Sonuçta, bölgesel bir güç merkezi olma yolunda önemli mesafeler alan Türkiye’nin, milli birlik ve beraberliğini koruduğu müddetçe, alternatif projeler üretebilme ve 21. yüzyılın lokomotif ülkesi olma potansiyeline sahip bulunduğunun bilhassa bilinmesi gerektiği kanaatindeyiz.

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This is the right blog for anyone who really wants to understand this topic. You understand a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I personally would want toÖHaHa). You certainly put a fresh spin on a topic that has been written about for many years. Wonderful stuff, just wonderful!

Good post. I learn something totally new and challenging on sites I stumbleupon everyday. It’s always helpful to read through content from other writers and use something from their sites.

I really love your website.. Excellent colors & theme. Did you make this site yourself? Please reply back as Iím looking to create my own blog and want to learn where you got this from or what the theme is called. Thanks!

Excellent blog you have got here.. It’s difficult tofind high quality writing like yours these days.I honestly appreciate people like you! Take care!!0mniartist asmr

Hello! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with SEO?I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I’m not seeing very good gains.If you know of any please share. Appreciate it!

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Aw, this was a really nice post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to create a superb articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I procrastinate a lot and never seem to get anything done.

Oh my goodness! Impressive article dude! Many thanks, However I am going through troubles with your RSS. I donít know the reason why I can’t join it. Is there anybody else getting the same RSS issues? Anyone who knows the answer can you kindly respond? Thanx!!

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I blog quite often and I seriously appreciate your information. The article has truly peaked my interest. I will book mark your website and keep checking for new details about once per week. I subscribed to your RSS feed too.

Iím impressed, I have to admit. Rarely do I encounter a blog thatís both equally educative and engaging, and let me tell you, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The problem is something that not enough men and women are speaking intelligently about. Now i’m very happy I found this in my search for something concerning this.

Right here is the perfect web site for everyone who wishes to find out about this topic. You know a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I really will need toÖHaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a topic which has been discussed for ages. Excellent stuff, just great!

I absolutely love your blog.. Excellent colors & theme. Did you build this amazing site yourself? Please reply back as Iím hoping to create my very own website and would love to learn where you got this from or just what the theme is called. Thanks!

Hello! I could have sworn Iíve visited this blog before but after looking at many of the posts I realized itís new to me. Anyhow, Iím definitely delighted I discovered it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back often!

When I originally left a comment I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments areadded- checkbox and now whenever a comment is added I get 4emails with the exact same comment. Is there a means you can remove me from thatservice? Kudos!

Oh my goodness! Awesome article dude! Thanks, However I am encountering troubles with your RSS. I donít know why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anyone else having the same RSS issues? Anyone who knows the answer can you kindly respond? Thanx!!

I am curious to find out what blog platform you’reutilizing? I’m experiencing some minor security problems with my latest blog and I’d like tofind something more risk-free. Do you have any suggestions?

A motivating discussion is definitely worth comment. I think that you need to write more on this topic,it may not be a taboo matter but generally people don’t speak about these subjects.To the next! Kind regards!!

Hi, I do believe this is a great site. I stumbledupon it 😉 I am going to return once again since i have saved as a favorite it. Money and freedom is the greatest way to change, may you be rich and continue to guide other people.

I was more than happy to uncover this web site. I need to to thank you for your time due to this fantastic read!! I definitely enjoyed every part of it and I have you saved as a favorite to see new information in your web site.

Hi! I could have sworn Iíve been to this site before but after going through a few of the posts I realized itís new to me. Regardless, Iím definitely happy I discovered it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back frequently!

A fascinating discussion is worth comment. I do think that you need to write more about this subject, it may not be a taboo matter but usually people don’t talk about such issues. To the next! Kind regards!!

Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is an extremely well written article.I will be sure to bookmark it and return to readmore of your useful info. Thanks for the post. I’ll definitely comeback.

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I blog frequently and I genuinely appreciate your content. Your article has truly peaked my interest. I am going to bookmark your blog and keep checking for new details about once per week. I subscribed to your Feed as well.

May I simply just say what a relief to discover somebody that actually knows what they’re discussing online. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. A lot more people must check this out and understand this side of your story. It’s surprising you’re not more popular given that you most certainly have the gift.

What’s Going down i am new to this, I stumbled upon thisI have discovered It positively helpful and it has helped me out loads.I’m hoping to give a contribution & aid other users like its aided me.Good job. asmr 0mniartist

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Oh my goodness! Impressive article dude! Thank you so much, However I am experiencing difficulties with your RSS. I donít know the reason why I cannot subscribe to it. Is there anyone else getting identical RSS issues? Anyone who knows the answer will you kindly respond? Thanks!!

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An outstanding share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a coworker who had been doing a little homework on this. And he in fact bought me breakfast because I found it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending time to discuss this matter here on your site.

An interesting discussion is definitely worth comment. I believe that you need to publish more about this subject matter, it might not be a taboo matter but typically folks don’t discuss these topics. To the next! Best wishes.

Next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me just as much as this particular one. After all, I know it was my choice to read, however I genuinely believed you would have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of moaning about something you can fix if you weren’t too busy searching for attention.

Next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me as much as this one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read through, nonetheless I actually believed you would have something interesting to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you can fix if you were not too busy searching for attention.

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The next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t disappoint me just as much as this one. After all, I know it was my choice to read, however I actually believed you would probably have something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something you can fix if you weren’t too busy searching for attention.

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Hey There. I found your blog using msn. This is a very well written article. I’ll make sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. I will definitely return.

Iím impressed, I have to admit. Seldom do I come across a blog thatís both equally educative and amusing, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is something too few people are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy that I came across this during my hunt for something relating to this.

An interesting discussion is definitely worth comment. I do think that you ought to publish more on this issue, it may not be a taboo subject but usually folks don’t talk about these issues. To the next! All the best!!

I’m pretty pleased to discover this great site. I wanted to thank you for your time just for this wonderful read!! I definitely liked every little bit of it and I have you saved as a favorite to see new stuff on your website.

You’re so interesting! I don’t think I have read anything like this before. So nice to find somebody with a few genuine thoughts on this subject. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

After looking at a handful of the blog articles on your web site, I honestly like your technique of writing a blog. I bookmarked it to my bookmark site list and will be checking back soon. Please visit my web site as well and let me know how you feel.

When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get several e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove people from that service? Appreciate it!

A fascinating discussion is worth comment. I believe that you ought to write more on this topic, it may not be a taboo subject but typically people do not talk about these topics. To the next! Many thanks!!

Hello! I could have sworn Iíve visited this blog before but after browsing through a few of the articles I realized itís new to me. Regardless, Iím definitely pleased I stumbled upon it and Iíll be book-marking it and checking back regularly!

I blog frequently and I seriously appreciate your information. The article has truly peaked my interest. I’m going to book mark your website and keep checking for new details about once per week. I opted in for your RSS feed as well.

The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to read, however I actually believed you would have something helpful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of crying about something that you could possibly fix if you were not too busy searching for attention.

Hi! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with Search Engine Optimization? I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords but I’m not seeing very good results. If you know of any please share. Thanks!

Aw, this was an extremely nice post. Taking the time and actual effort to generate a great articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I hesitate a whole lot and never manage to get anything done.

Hi there! This post couldnít be written any better! Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I will forward this post to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a great read. I appreciate you for sharing!

Hi there! I could have sworn Iíve been to your blog before but after looking at many of the articles I realized itís new to me. Anyways, Iím definitely happy I discovered it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back frequently!

It’s actually a great and useful piece of info. I’m happy that you simply shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.

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I blog quite often and I seriously thank you for your content. Your article has really peaked my interest. I will book mark your blog and keep checking for new details about once per week. I subscribed to your RSS feed too.

Hi there, There’s no doubt that your web site could possibly be having internet browser compatibility issues. When I look at your blog in Safari, it looks fine however when opening in Internet Explorer, it’s got some overlapping issues. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up! Aside from that, wonderful blog!

Howdy! I’m at work surfing around yoour blog from my new iphone!Just wanted to say I love reading yiur blog and look forwward to all your posts!Keep up the fantastic work!

Having read this I believed it was extremely enlightening. I appreciate you spending some time and energy to put this information together. I once again find myself personally spending a lot of time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

I really love your website.. Very nice colors & theme. Did you make this website yourself? Please reply back as Iím hoping to create my own personal site and would like to know where you got this from or what the theme is named. Cheers!

Hi there! This article couldnít be written any better! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept preaching about this. I’ll forward this article to him. Fairly certain he’ll have a good read. I appreciate you for sharing!

Woah! I’m really loving the template/theme of this blog. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s difficult to get that “perfect balance” between superb usability and appearance. I must say that you’ve done a amazing job with this. Additionally, the blog loads extremely quick for me on Safari. Superb Blog!

Hello there! Do you know if they make any plugins to assist with SEO?I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywordsbut I’m not seeing very good success. If you know of any please share.Kudos!

It’s actually a nice and helpful piece of information. I am glad that you shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

Hi there! I could have sworn Iíve visited this website before but after looking at some of the articles I realized itís new to me. Regardless, Iím definitely pleased I discovered it and Iíll be book-marking it and checking back frequently!

You’re so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve read anything like this before. So nice to find someone with genuine thoughts on this subject. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This website is something that’s needed on the web, someone with some originality!

Oh my goodness! Incredible article dude! Many thanks, However I am encountering issues with your RSS. I donít understand why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anybody else getting identical RSS issues? Anyone that knows the solution can you kindly respond? Thanks!!

I’m excited to find this page. I wanted to thank you for ones time due to this wonderful read!! I definitely really liked every part of it and I have you bookmarked to see new things in your site.

An outstanding share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a coworker who had been doing a little research on this. And he actually ordered me lunch due to the fact that I discovered it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending time to discuss this topic here on your web page.

Please let me know if you’re looking for a writer for your blog. You have some really great posts and I believe I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d absolutely love to write some articles for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please shoot me an e-mail if interested. Cheers!

I blog quite often and I seriously thank you for your content. This article has truly peaked my interest. I’m going to bookmark your blog and keep checking for new information about once per week. I subscribed to your Feed as well.

When I originally commented I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on each time a comment is added I recieve 4 emails with the same comment. Perhaps there is an easy method you can remove me from that service? Thanks!

Hello there! This blog post couldnít be written any better! Going through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept preaching about this. I will send this information to him. Fairly certain he’s going to have a very good read. I appreciate you for sharing!

A fascinating discussion is definitely worth comment. I think that you should publish more on this issue, it may not be a taboo subject but typically folks don’t talk about such issues. To the next! Kind regards!!

Having read this I believed it was very enlightening. I appreciate you spending some time and energy to put this informative article together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

Howdy. Very nice blog!! Guy .. Excellent .. Wonderful .. I’ll bookmark your blog and take the feeds also…I am glad to find numerous helpful information here in the article. Thank you for sharing.

Howdy! This article could not be written any better! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He constantly kept talking about this. I’ll forward this post to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a very good read. Thanks for sharing!

An intriguing discussion is worth comment. I think that you should write more on this subject, it might not be a taboo matter but usually people don’t discuss these topics. To the next! Kind regards!!

The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it doesn’t fail me as much as this particular one. After all, Yes, it was my choice to read, however I genuinely thought you would probably have something useful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you could possibly fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention.

Having read this I thought it was extremely enlightening. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this article together. I once again find myself spending way too much time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worth it!

Nice post. I learn something totally new and challenging on blogs I stumbleupon everyday. It’s always interesting to read through content from other writers and use something from other web sites.

Having read this I believed it was extremely enlightening. I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this information together. I once again find myself spending a significant amount of time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worth it!

Next time I read a blog, I hope that it won’t disappoint me just as much as this one. After all, I know it was my choice to read, nonetheless I really thought you would probably have something interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you can fix if you weren’t too busy looking for attention.

Can I just say what a relief to discover someone that truly understands what they are talking about on the net. You actually realize how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More and more people really need to check this out and understand this side of the story. I was surprised you aren’t more popular given that you definitely possess the gift.

You are so awesome! I don’t believe I have read something like this before. So great to find somebody with a few original thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the internet, someone with some originality!

Heya i’m for the primary time here. I found this board and I find It really helpful & it helped me out a lot. I hope to offer one thing back and aid others such as you aided me.

Howdy, I believe your blog could be having internet browser compatibility issues. When I take a look at your site in Safari, it looks fine however when opening in I.E., it’s got some overlapping issues. I merely wanted to give you a quick heads up! Apart from that, wonderful blog!

Hello! I could have sworn Iíve visited this site before but after going through many of the posts I realized itís new to me. Regardless, Iím certainly delighted I came across it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back often!

Aw, this was an incredibly nice post. Taking a few minutes and actual effort to generate a very good articleÖ but what can I sayÖ I procrastinate a lot and don’t manage to get anything done.

When I initially commented I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get four emails with the exact same comment. Is there a way you can remove me from that service? Kudos!

I really love your site.. Excellent colors & theme. Did you build this web site yourself? Please reply back as Iím wanting to create my very own blog and would like to learn where you got this from or what the theme is named. Appreciate it!

I like the helpful information you provide in your articles.I will bookmark your blog and check again here regularly. I am quite sure I’lllearn many new stuff right here! Best of luck forthe next!

Iím amazed, I have to admit. Seldom do I come across a blog thatís both educative and amusing, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is something which too few people are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I found this during my search for something relating to this.

Right here is the right website for anybody who wishes to understand this topic. You understand a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I personally would want toÖHaHa). You definitely put a fresh spin on a topic that has been discussed for years. Great stuff, just wonderful!

The next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not fail me as much as this particular one. After all, I know it was my choice to read, nonetheless I truly thought you would have something useful to talk about. All I hear is a bunch of complaining about something that you can fix if you were not too busy searching for attention.

After I initially left a comment I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on each time a comment is added I get four emails with the same comment. There has to be a means you can remove me from that service? Kudos!

Ich habe Ihr Weblog Website bei Google gefunden und einige von Ihnen prüfen frühe Beiträge. Fortfahren um die exzellente Arbeitsweise aufrechtzuerhalten. Ich habe Ihren RSS-Feed nur weiter in meinem MSN Information Reader hochgeladen. Suche vorwärts zum lesen extra von Ihnen in einer Weile!…

Ich lerne immer noch von dir, aber ich verbessere mich. Ich sicherlich liebe es, alles zu lesen, was auf Ihrer Site geschrieben wird. Behalten Sie die Geschichten Kommen. Ich genoss es!

I absolutely love your site.. Great colors & theme. Did you make this amazing site yourself? Please reply back as Iím looking to create my own personal website and would love to know where you got this from or what the theme is named. Kudos!

Good day! I could have sworn Iíve been to this site before but after browsing through a few of the articles I realized itís new to me. Nonetheless, Iím definitely happy I found it and Iíll be book-marking it and checking back often!

Oh my goodness! Awesome article dude! Thank you, However I am having issues with your RSS. I donít understand the reason why I can’t join it. Is there anyone else getting identical RSS issues? Anyone who knows the solution can you kindly respond? Thanks!!

An outstanding share! I have just forwarded this onto a friend who was conducting a little research on this. And he in fact ordered me dinner due to the fact that I found it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending some time to discuss this topic here on your site.

Having read this I thought it was very enlightening. I appreciate you spending some time and effort to put this informative article together. I once again find myself personally spending way too much time both reading and leaving comments. But so what, it was still worth it!

Hi! I could have sworn Iíve visited this site before but after going through some of the posts I realized itís new to me. Anyways, Iím certainly happy I came across it and Iíll be bookmarking it and checking back frequently!

Can I simply just say what a comfort to uncover an individual who genuinely knows what they are talking about over the internet. You definitely realize how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More and more people must check this out and understand this side of your story. It’s surprising you are not more popular given that you most certainly possess the gift.

I have to thank you for the efforts you have put in writing this site. I really hope to see the same high-grade content by you later on as well. In truth, your creative writing abilities has motivated me to get my very own site now 😉

I blog often and I seriously thank you for your content. This great article has really peaked my interest. I am going to book mark your site and keep checking for new information about once a week. I opted in for your Feed too.

I’m pretty pleased to discover this site. I need to to thank you for ones time just for this wonderful read!! I definitely really liked every part of it and i also have you saved as a favorite to look at new information on your site.

Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thank you so much, However I am having troubles with your RSS. I donít understand the reason why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anybody having similar RSS problems? Anyone that knows the answer will you kindly respond? Thanx!!

Iím amazed, I must say. Seldom do I come across a blog thatís both educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is something that not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy that I stumbled across this in my search for something concerning this.

Howdy! This post could not be written any better! Reading through this article reminds me of my previous roommate! He always kept talking about this. I’ll forward this post to him. Fairly certain he’s going to have a good read. I appreciate you for sharing!

Can I just say what a relief to uncover somebody who genuinely understands what they’re talking about over the internet. You actually understand how to bring an issue to light and make it important. A lot more people have to look at this and understand this side of the story. It’s surprising you are not more popular since you most certainly possess the gift.

Ich bin nur Schreiben an lassen Sie verstehen was für vorteilhaft Entdeckung meiner Freundin Tochter hatte benutzt den Blog. Sie kam zu finden mehrere Probleme, welche enthalten was es ist wie besitzen ein ausgezeichnetes helfen Stimmung, um die meisten Leute einfach erkennen einigen gewunden Themen. Du wirklich übertroffen ihre erwartete Ergebnisse. Danke für ausstellen diese unschätzbar, gesund, lehrreich und auch einzigartig Tipps zu dieses Thema für Tanya.

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Oh my goodness! Impressive article dude! Thank you, However I am experiencing troubles with your RSS. I donít know why I cannot subscribe to it. Is there anyone else getting identical RSS problems? Anyone who knows the solution can you kindly respond? Thanks!!

Iím amazed, I must say. Rarely do I encounter a blog thatís both equally educative and interesting, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is an issue that too few folks are speaking intelligently about. I’m very happy I came across this during my search for something relating to this.

Having read this I believed it was very enlightening. I appreciate you spending some time and energy to put this informative article together. I once again find myself personally spending a significant amount of time both reading and posting comments. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

Right here is the right site for anybody who wants to understand this topic. You know a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not that I really would want toÖHaHa). You certainly put a brand new spin on a topic that has been written about for ages. Great stuff, just great!

Nice post. I learn something new and challenging on websites I stumbleupon everyday. It will always be useful to read content from other authors and use something from other web sites.

Hi there, I do believe your blog could possibly be having web browser compatibility problems. When I take a look at your web site in Safari, it looks fine however, if opening in IE, it’s got some overlapping issues. I merely wanted to provide you with a quick heads up! Aside from that, great blog!

Nice post. I learn something new and challenging on sites I stumbleupon on a daily basis. It’s always exciting to read through articles from other authors and practice something from other websites.

Oh my goodness! Incredible article dude! Thanks, However I am going through issues with your RSS. I donít understand why I am unable to subscribe to it. Is there anybody else getting identical RSS issues? Anybody who knows the solution can you kindly respond? Thanks!!

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An outstanding share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a co-worker who was doing a little research on this. And he in fact ordered me dinner simply because I discovered it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanx for spending time to discuss this topic here on your blog.

After I originally left a comment I appear to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now each time a comment is added I recieve 4 emails with the same comment. There has to be an easy method you can remove me from that service? Cheers!

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